Invited Speakers

Confirmed invited speakers

P. Bourges
(LLB, Saclay)
Novel magnetism in high-Tc copper oxides superconductors
M. Braden
(University at Cologne)
Neutron scattering studies on chiral multiferroics
M.A. Carpenter (University of Cambridge)Elastic and anelastic relaxations associated with phase transitions in ferroic and multiferroic perovskites
F. Cordero
(CNR Rome)
Polar and antiferrodistortive modes and their coupling in PZT by dielectric and anelastic measurements
M. Deluca (Montanuniversität Leoben)Raman spectroscopy of lead-free relaxor ceramics
M. Fiebig
(ETH Zurich)
Extended magnetoelectric functionalities in improper ferroelectrics
M. Guennou
(CPR G Lippmann, Luxembourg)
Combined instabilities of perovskites under pressure:  BiMnO3 and related Bi-based perovskites.
G. Gruebel
(DESY, Hamburg)
Local Order in Liquids and Glasses
S. Kamba
(Institute of Physics, Prague)
Electromagnons: Electrically active spin excitations
G. Kresse
(University of Vienna)
Methods beyond DFT: current status and future developments
B. LeRoy
(University of Arizona)
Imaging local electronic properties of graphene
A. Loidl
(University of Augsburg)
J. Maultzsch
(TU Berlin)
Resonance behavior of defect-induced Raman modes in carbon nanotubes
J. MeyerExploring low-dimensional nano-carbon materials by high-resolution microscopy
J. Park
(TU Munich)
Resonant magnetic excitations in iron-based superconductors
S. Reich  (FU Berlin)
replaced by Jannik Meyer
Position of the Fermi level and electron-phonon coupling in single ...
K. Rossnagel (University of Kiel)Shooting electronic structure movies with time-resolved photoemission
E.K.H. Salje
(University of Cambridge)
Noise and Pattern Formation in Ferroic Materials
N. Spaldin
(ETH Zurich)
Cosmic strings in multiferroics.
S. Speziale
(GFZ, Potsdam)
The elastic anisotropy of dense materials at extreme conditions: Experimental approaches and implications for deep Earth geophysics
P. Tolédano
(University of Amiens)
Magnetoelectric effects in antiferromagnets, weak ferromagnets and magnetic monopole-like systems
L. Wirtz
(University of Luxembourg)
Graphene and graphite intercalation compounds: dependence of the phonon dispersion on the environment
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Lastupdate: 15.09.2013 - 17:40