Conference Venue

The conference takes place at the University of Vienna:

Faculty of Physics
Strudlhofgasse 4/Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna

How to get there
Underground line U 6 (Station "Währinger Straße/Volksoper") → Take Tram line 40 or 41  (Stop "Sensengasse")  → 5 Minutes walk
Underground line U 2 (Station "Schottentor") →   Tram 37/38/40/41/42 (Stop "Spitalgasse/Währingerstraße") → 5 Minutes walk
Call-a-Taxi:  0043-(0)1-60160 |  0043-(0)1-40100 |  0043-(0)1-31300


9., Strudlhofgasse 4/ Boltzmanngasse 5 (Conference Venue)

dyProSo XXXIV auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
Dynamical Properties of Solids | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien
Lastupdate: 05.09.2013 - 14:04