Welcome to Vienna!
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34th International Symposium on
Dynamical Properties of Solids
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Wien, Austria
September 15-19, 2013
Dyproso XXXIV - Conference Photo
Welcome to the 34th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids – dyProSoXXXIV – which takes place at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria. It is organized by the Physics of Functional Materials group of the Faculty of Physics.
DyProSoXXXIV is a 4-day international forum, aiming at the promotion of new ideas and concepts in physics of condensed matter by stimulating scientific discussions between young and experienced scientists actively working on dynamic properties of materials. The programme will cover current and upcoming topics from theory (ab-initio calculations, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, new formulations and phenomenological models, etc.) to experiment (optical spectroscopies, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering, novel techniques, etc.).
The scientific programme of dyProSoXXXIV focuses on:
- Phonons, magnons and electromagnons
- Superconductors
- Carbon-based materials
- Multiferroics
- Relaxors
- Amorphous, liquid and soft matter
- Advances in experimental techniques and theory
- Materials at extreme pressure
The symposium format assumes a limited number of participants, without proceedings and without parallel sessions.
There will be invited talks, contributed talks and posters.
The speakers are encouraged to present their latest results and discuss open problems, and they are asked to include a tutorial introduction for non specialists.
We are looking forward to receiving your registration and an extended abstract.
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of dyProSoXXXIV,
Wilfried Schranz (Conference Chairman)